In Audio

My interest in audio started when I was very young. My brother, George, who was five years my elder, was a keen fan of Harry James, Gene Krupa, Glenn Miller and others of that period and that music became my introduction to music and audio. As a teenager one of my girlfriends was the daughter of a man who ran a small record stamping plant in an old garage in Aston Clinton. One label that they produced was Oriole Records. The best selling set under that label was Oriole #s 17 & 18 which comprised “Under Milk Wood” – a play for voices by Dylan Thomas. Brilliant to this day!

To test his production Julia’s father used a Connoisseur Turntable with a Leak Tone Arm and a Leak TL12 amplifier. I am not sure what brand of loudspeaker he used. For me the sound was a revelation and I was hooked!