The Russian Experience

My contact with Vladimir Soloviev took me to Russia in 1991.

Currently (13/3/2022) on Vladimir’s Russia 1 TV Show one of his guests said that Putin’s invasion of Ukraine would set Russia back thirty years.

Well let’s look at what I saw in 1991.

Almost no traffic.

The most lively area was The Arbat. A pedestrian only inthe heart of Moscow. Here people did whatever they could to gain a few Roubles

At that time, this was the US Embassy, note the listening crane over the roof

The US built a new building but didn’t move in at the time as it was full of bugging devices (so I was told)

At that time all kinds of unusual deals were possible. Here I am negotiating with executives of the MIG aircraft company for them to make aluminium trusses for the entertainment lighting market as they had surplus amounts of aluminium at their disposal. Note the picture on the wall.


There were many other deals abounding at the time. For instance:

A purchase of Kuznetsov NK-12 (actually I remembered it as the MK-24) turboprop engines as used the the Russian “Bear” long-range bomber for a massive wind creator in conjuncion with the work of the I.N.E.L.

A maintenance depot for the American Equipment being brought in to implement the obligations of the United States in conjunction with SALT II.

Possible sales in the West for filters capable of blocking viruses, or hardening wood so that stiletto high heels don’t penetrate or even mark the wood, Both use exposure to Argon ions in these processes.

Sales in the West of diacroic filters and lenses – this was achieved.