Leslie H. Buckland – Communicator

I met Les at his New York Office cum production studio with Christopher Bailey back in the seventies. Christ had heard about Les and his company Caribiner and was planning on doing something similar in the UK.

When you walked into his offices the reception area was breathtaking. The ceiling was 25-30 feet above you and the backdrop was a mountainscape. Les came to meet us in reception and led us to his office which had a rock face on one wall with spikes stuck into it.

“When things get too much I climb up the wall.” he quipped.

Then we transferred to his meeting room which was all sky blue and clouds.

“To have lofty, clear blue thinking” he said, “we need to be up in the clouds”.

Then we were shown one of his multi-screen presentions. At that time his demo room had five screens linked together and we were shown one of his motivational programmes featuring the circle.

Les did the presentions for corporate meetings. His biggest client was Coca-Cola and I believe that his four day programme for their annual get together set them back at least $250,00.00 in those days. At that time it was his most elaborate work using nearly 300 screens at once. The images were brilliantly displayed by his technique of copying all images using a mapping camera to ensure perfect frame-to-frame imaging, and by using his own plastic frame mouldings he could get much greater detail from the 35mm slide carrier of his own design.

Les and I never did any business together but we were great friends and he stayed at my house on Long Island on a number of occasions and I visited him in the city from time to time before I moved to Alabama in 1980.

Les talks about his orientation to life at :


Les does not have a Wikipedia page but rerence to him does occur on web searches. There are many Leslie Buclands but he has the middle initial “H”.